ADVANCED FRESCO PAINTING - ancient techniques for contemporary artists

Tutor : Carey Mortimer

Tutor : Carey Mortimer

Carey Mortimer

price 500€

This course is intended for people who have already attended the fresco course and would like to work on lime plaster techniques in more depth such as sgraffito, gilding on fresco using wax, relief work in intonaco and the Roman fresco technique of stucco lucido; also a deeper look into lime compatible pigments used for painting frescoes including the preparation of a pigment from an earth or a stone.

A wide selection of books is available to the students showing examples of ancient, medieval, renaissance and contemporary painting.

Travel and accommodation to be arranged by students.


"...Carey’s course breathed life and contemporary relevance into the art of the fresco whilst imparting a great wealth of knowledge and sensitivity towards its more exacting techniques. "

"...Carey’s course is packed to the rafters with knowledge, thought, technique and inspiration. The week itself was incredibly fulfilling but perhaps more significantly, what followed was an ongoing appreciation of fresco and its’ production and a real desire to delve into art at a much richer more resonating level."